All CDT research projects involved multidisciplinary research. Each PhD student worked with a team of supervisors, bringing complementary expertise to their training programme. Projects typically brought one or more technological approaches together with neuroscience expertise to solve an important problem underlying brain disorders.

Technology themes in the CDT included:

  • Microelectronics, devices & biosensors
  • Optical & genetic neurotechnology
  • Computational modeling and data analysis tools
  • Neuroprosthetics & neural interface technology
  • Robotics & human-machine interaction
  • Imaging

applied to health themes including:

  • Diagnostics & clinical monitoring
  • Modulation of peripheral disease-controlling neural circuits
  • Brain repair & neuroregeneration
  • Brain circuits in health & disease
  • Rehabilitation & augmentation
  • Lifelong health & well-being

CDT projects addressed diseases or disorders including age associated disease, ALS, Alzheimer's, cancer, cerebral palsy, CNS, dementia, hearing impairment, multiple sclerosis, neurotrauma, Parkinson's, psychiatric disorders and stroke.

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Centre Manager
Kate Hobson